PayPal Payflow Integration Services
Granite Web is a provider of PayPal Payflow integration services for WooCommerce and custom web applications.
Payflow is a secure, open payment gateway. Merchants can choose that PayPal host the checkout pages and manage security for sales and authorizations. Merchants who want total control over the checkout experience can host their own checkout pages and send transactions to Payflow via an API. Payflow allows merchants to choose any Internet Merchant Account to accept debit or credit card payments and connect to any major processor (see Payflow Gateway). You can also select PayPal as your credit card processor (see PayPal Payments Pro). It also lets merchants accept PayPal and PayPal Credit® (formerly Bill Me Later® ) payments. Use Payflow Gateway to process debit and credit card payments, PayPal, PayPal Credit, authorizations, captures, and credit voids.
We provide Integration services for all PayPal Payflow products including:
- Standard
- Advanced

PayPal Payments Pro allows you to accept payments with a completely customizable solution. This integration method leverages the PayPal Payflow Gateway to transmit payments to your PayPal Internet Merchant Account; it also gives the merchant the flexibility to change payment processors without having to reconstruct their technical integration. When using PayPal Payments Pro using Payflow Gateway integration, merchants can use the Transparent Redirect feature to help manage PCI compliance.
Payflow Gateway is PayPal's secure and open payment gateway. Using the Payflow Gateway APIs, merchants can process debit and credit card payments, PayPal, PayPal Credit®, authorizations, captures, and credit voids. PayPal Payments Pro internally utilizes Payflow Gateway and its API, providing the same features. PayPal Payments Pro merchants use PayPal as their credit card processor, while Payflow Gateway merchants can choose to process their online store payments with any major payment processor, bank, or card association. Merchants who want total control over the checkout experience can host their own checkout pages and send transactions to PayPal using the open Payflow Gateway API or choose to have PayPal host the checkout pages and manage security for sales and authorizations.
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