Amazon Product Ads Review Guidelines Updated

Amazon Product Submit Ads

Our review of ads for compliance with Product Ads Content Guidelines has been enhanced. Accounts will no longer be suspended automatically when the number of ads which violate our guidelines exceeds a threshold of 50 ads or 20% of the total products submitted. Instead, we will examine each ad individually, and if there is a problem, we will in general reject only the ad. We will continue to suspend at the account level if prohibited products are listed and at our discretion to protect customers and advertisers. Ensuring ad content is in compliance with our guidelines is critical to maintaining customer trust and maximizing ad performance.

In your Product Report (login required), you can see the status of all your ads, including ads which have been rejected. To help you identify rejected ads, we added two new columns to the report: blocked date and rejection reason. To reactivate your ads, download your Product Report, review the rejection reasons and remove or update ads in accordance with our Content Guidelines and then re-upload your product file.

To ensure you are being notified of ad rejections and other important account information, please check that your notification preferences (login required) and contact information are up to date.


Amazon Product Ads